Monday 13 June 2011

No day but today.

How is it that we always believe that our time on earth is endless? Phrases such as "tomorrow", "later", and "i'll get round to it one day" are commonly used in everyday language. We think nothing of it. On June the 1st of this year (2011), a very special lady was suddenly and tragically taken from us: Nadia Wearn was 31 years of age, she was the person who lived life to the absolute fullest, she achieved more in her short time here than many could only hope to achieve in a full lifetime and I don't believe I was ever in her presence when her beaming, gleaming, contagious smile was lacking.The people she encountered and the people she knew, are changed people from merely having crossed paths with her. The tragic loss of the amazing, talented and beautiful Nadia,has left myself and many many others lost for words, shattered and dumbfounded. It seems so unfair that she has just been taken from this earth. I fail to see fairness in the fact that there are people out there whom abuse life to its absolute destructive capacity: take drugs, lay around and use yours and my tax money to fund their addictions, and they survive. Yet this special, caring, devoted daughter, mother, wife, sister, cousin and friend, whom danced every day of her living life, whom passionately spent her own life teaching, nurturing and guiding others into the very same world of dance, whom took care of her self and others, was stolen away! Where is the justice in that?  I have done nothing but question my faith throughout the time since she has passed, it is so difficult to see any reasoning behind this, there is no reasoning, there is no reason. If there is a god, why would he allow this to happen?
 If anything this tragedy has been a reality check, to myself and to others. I have always conformed to the "tomorrow", "later" and "someday" lexis, but who is to say the day will come for any of us? So from this I only hope to do what Nadia would want us all to do: to go on and embrace life and love each other and never regret.

We will all see you soon beautiful girl.
And until then, we will live our lives to the fullest, the same as you did <3

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